Chennai music season venues are a melting pot of human character. In the Mylapore Fine Arts, a maami was heard loudly remarking that she wanted a good view of Hema, Prema's saree colour combinations. She went on to say that one came to such concerts to observe such juicy titbits. She had come along with a batch of relatives and what better place than a Sabha venue to do some catching up with in the loudest of tones. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched her adjusting her heavy silk and talking animatedly with a sweeping glittering flourish. " Not a single Hema Prema concert have I missed this season, she gushed in shrill tones. What a melodious voice they both have? Indeed what a pure. Classical style they adhere to ? Of course I head straight for the canteen fifteen minutes into the concert. Better be an early bird to tuck into the sizzling crispies. Else you'll miss out on the good stuff. First and fast everywhere is motto. By the way, is so and so musician wearing a new jewellery for her concerts?....... ", she trailed off.
Elsewhere, as I was making my way to a seat at the start of a concert, a loud whisper calling out my name mystified me. I turned around to find Bhama, a long lost relative beckoning to me furiously. " Come here ", she said peremptorily." This is a better seat and we can of course exchange musical notes". As I sat beside her, she informed me that she had to make a note of the ragas because her daughter who learnt Carnatic music would have to be updated. As the artist commenced the varnam, she checked out with me whether it was in the raga kambhodi, nodded knowledgeably as if to say ,"I thought so" and dutifully made a note of the raga in her diary.Music could not hold her for long before she asked me whether I had found a cook. I must have looked bewildered because she went on to say that I had mentioned a problem in our previous meeting which had been a couple of years back.I tried to get my focus on course when she interrupted to ask why the singer was repeating Raga Kambhodi. I politely told her that he was singing Shankara bharanam, not Kambhodi.For the umpteenth time, as I tried to soak in the music wafting to me, Bhama came back with an irrepressible, "Oh, Vasanthi, almost forgot to check with you. Is your sister-in-law looking out for an alliance for her son? My cousin's daughter is an ideal etc.etc......"
I realized that music was not going to be my cup of tea at that point of time. Notwithstanding, I reflected on the unique character of the Chennai Music Season which had something to offer for every palate; the gourmand, the home-maker on the lookout for the stray piece of gossip and lastly of course, the music aficionado.