Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Where Have They Come?

It turned out to be even more giddying little later for they suddenly found themselves losing height and flying lower and lower. Houses, people and animals suddenly and slowly grew larger and they were flying crazily and frighteningly close to rooftops. Nothing was in their control as they swung close to some tall building and suddenly and almost violently were lifted clean off it. “ Phew that was close,” muttered Sunil alarmed. suddenly a big patch of ground opened out before them and as suddenly and alarmingly as it had begun, their crazy flight came to a sudden abrupt end. the two hit the ground suddenly with their breath nocked out and their heads in a whir. “Goodness”, said Sunil breathlessly.“ Where have we come?” “We will soon know “, said Rambo who had already got up nimbly  and was running ahead. “ Come on Sunil. Hurry up. This is our big adventure.”
On and on they ran till they suddenly  came upon a huge signboard mapping their location. WELCOME TO THE LAND OF ETERNAL HAPPINESS, it said. THIS WAY TO THE TO THE TOWN OF GOOD WILL”, it pointed towards a particular direction. Both looked at each other in wonder but decided to follow the signboard. They walked on, now tired and hungry but not seeing a soul on the way. “ Hey Look”, said Sunil suddenly pointing his finger.”Isn’t that a policeman? Looks like one.” It was one. On drawing nearer they found a man dressed in a policeman’s uniform.  “ Excuse me”, said Sunil to the policeman. “ We are new to this place. Can you guide us to somewhere where we can get food and shelter?” “Welcome to our World of Eternal Happiness”, said the friendly policeman.” “ You look to be from a different country. Right now, you are in the Town of Good Will.  Here we have schools and colleges where  our children learn the qualities of honesty and hard work and to earn a sustainable living in harmony with nature and society. “ Over there”, he waved pointing out his hand in one direction, “Is the Big City of SUSTAINABLE ETHICAL  EMPLOYMENT . See those buildings and factories. People work  hard  there  to create GoodWill and Wealth, the tools of Prosperity. There you will get plenty of whatever you want because this is the festive season of Diwali.”

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