Monday, November 22, 2010

A Fragrant Farewell

Fragrant as friends
Slowly ,gently the petals of memory unfold  to spread the fragrance of  a past long since gone.
The past of
childhood days, carefree and happy.
of school days, of fun and frolic,
reckless races and mad games
in  the corridors and playgrounds of a cloistered convent.
bursting with energy, faces shining with excitement.
Not a class were we  but comrades with a cause;
the cause  of unconditional friendship 
boundless yet binding, undemanding, yet ready and steady.
Many were the meaningless giggles that we shared.
Many were the pranks that we played
on unsuspecting teachers and  classmates.
The food we shared was marinated in  the juice called LOVE
with a sprinkle of SELFLESSNESS for garnish.
There was nothing that I could quite call my own for we shared everything, yes everything.
Together we laughed, together we wept.
Together we played, together we studied.
Another’s achievement was our pride; we knew not the monster called ENVY.
Another’s success prodded us to greater heights.
The playground taught us lessons in Team Spirit better than any Management School.
Finally the day came, yes the day to say a final farewell, a fond farewell to my loved friends.
With heavy hearts and tear-filled eyes, we bade  a silent farewell to events and people who had made up a slice of life.
Farewell. The word tasted bitter on our lips for how could such a beloved group ever part.
Farewell, our mouths mouthed but our hearts swore to undying friendship.

   Farewell did I say Farewell
harsh doesn’t it sound for the story unravels further.
Many, many years later, a stroke of fate and a surf of the Net, brought together a motley bunch of homemakers and careerists.
United were these erstwhile school students, now greying matrons in their middle age.
Great was their joy, boundless their happiness at this miracle.
“ Fared well ? “, they asked of each other and everybody in a chorus sang “yes”.
Life, like a game of cards had dealt them several hands
but victorious had emerged they
They had swum but not sunk with the tide; battling odds to win the challenge called Life.and cheering in small pleasures that make up life.
Now as they basked in the evening glow, their hearts and hands  lifted in prayer to the Angel of their almamater who had taught them the Lesson of Life.
Like incense, the memories of yesteryears, spread their fragrance around them.
Off they went,refreshed and recharged,
with a smile on their lips,
a song in their heart
and a spring in their step to handle the tomorrows in their lives.
Friends, like these are treasures indeed
In their bond,I have the power to transform the mundane into the sublime.

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